Puppies, puppies, puppies- what an exciting time! You have got a new family member who is ready to learn. Give them the gift of GAMES! Start your puppy journey the right way. Here at Adele's Dashing Dogs we focus on your relationship to grow your puppy in the right direction. Our games will equip your puppy to make the right choices, to grow calmness, control, focus and engagement with you!

What do we offer?
To set your puppy and you up for success we recommend you have a free consultation with one of our team. After we can set you up in one of our puppy packages.
Puppy package course
1 x 121
Join one of our life skills classes
Monthly 121 package
one to two in person 121s a month
Video notes after each session
Video feedback between sessions
Unlimited Whatsapp support
Unlimited access to our online Dashing Dogs Academy
Access to our exclusive facebook support community
With any of the puppy packages you can add on our online puppy course. This is a set of videos which covers all the puppy advice and training you need.

What do we cover in puppy training?
It is so important to us to build a great relationship with our puppies, so we start here. Through the games our recall is boosted, our focus on walks is fantastic and our loose lead walking is fun to teach. We do like to grow calmness in our puppies so that they can cope with dog-dog greetings, people coming into the house and many more situations.